In around December of 1999, I found out that I was going to be a mother. A mother, me??? It was devastating news, since I was unmarried and still in college. I immediately repented publicly and made every effort to pick up the pieces and make the best out of my situation. I had known of wonderful Christian MARRIED women who tried for years and years to get pregnant...and when it finally happened, they were ecstatic! Because I got pregnant when I had sex outside of marriage, I was not able to experience the joy a mother has when she finds out that she is bringing a new life into the world. It was months before I was able to feel any kind of happiness because for a long time I looked at my pregnancy as some kind of punishment for my sins.
Greg and I got married in Feb. of 2000...and because we were in love, not only because we were going to have a baby. (although that sped up the process) Even though I still felt a deep sense of guilt for what I had done, I was slowly starting to get excited about the idea of having a baby. My family and friends were so supportive and much like God does when we confess and repent of our sins, they forgave me and treated me as if my sin did not exist anymore. I was given baby showers...I fixed up a nursery...Greg and I picked out a name...I went to birthing classes...and before long I found myself feeling that ecstatic feeling! That feeling that I thought I would never feel...that feeling that I thought I did not deserve.
One Saturday in August...after eating a Rally burger (YUM) I started feeling a little strange. Hours, and a phone call with our doctor, later...I realized I was in labor...and Greg and I went to the hospital!
At 5:38 a.m. on Sunday, August the 13th...I brought Damon Deval Moore into the world. One look at this beautiful baby, and I knew my life would never be the same.
I realized at that moment...that this was something that God meant for my good!
We are currently in a gospel meeting and our guest speaker said something that really hit home with me. He said that if we did not go though certain struggles in our life, we would not really learn our lesson and find that closer relationship with God. I can say without a doubt, that I would not be where I am spiritually if it had not been for the struggles that I went through. I have a deeper appreciation for my children, and for my own life and blessings...I find myself less judgmental of others who go through similar situations...I am completely and totally humbled that God could forgive me and wipe my slate clean so that I can go on with my life.
This has been on my mind lately because I am planning Damon's 10th birthday party...and his 5th grade year at school. I look at him and wonder, what did I do to deserve such an amazing son? He is so smart, funny, talented, sensitive, caring, and unselfish. In December of 1999, I had only feelings of guilt, despair and hopelessness...but in August of 2010, I have only feelings of joy, love, hope and amazement...that I could be so blessed!
Thank you God...for letting me be there to see his first Christmas.

Thank you God...for letting me be there to see his first day of school.
Greg and I got married in Feb. of 2000...and because we were in love, not only because we were going to have a baby. (although that sped up the process) Even though I still felt a deep sense of guilt for what I had done, I was slowly starting to get excited about the idea of having a baby. My family and friends were so supportive and much like God does when we confess and repent of our sins, they forgave me and treated me as if my sin did not exist anymore. I was given baby showers...I fixed up a nursery...Greg and I picked out a name...I went to birthing classes...and before long I found myself feeling that ecstatic feeling! That feeling that I thought I would never feel...that feeling that I thought I did not deserve.
One Saturday in August...after eating a Rally burger (YUM) I started feeling a little strange. Hours, and a phone call with our doctor, later...I realized I was in labor...and Greg and I went to the hospital!
At 5:38 a.m. on Sunday, August the 13th...I brought Damon Deval Moore into the world. One look at this beautiful baby, and I knew my life would never be the same.
I realized at that moment...that this was something that God meant for my good!
We are currently in a gospel meeting and our guest speaker said something that really hit home with me. He said that if we did not go though certain struggles in our life, we would not really learn our lesson and find that closer relationship with God. I can say without a doubt, that I would not be where I am spiritually if it had not been for the struggles that I went through. I have a deeper appreciation for my children, and for my own life and blessings...I find myself less judgmental of others who go through similar situations...I am completely and totally humbled that God could forgive me and wipe my slate clean so that I can go on with my life.
This has been on my mind lately because I am planning Damon's 10th birthday party...and his 5th grade year at school. I look at him and wonder, what did I do to deserve such an amazing son? He is so smart, funny, talented, sensitive, caring, and unselfish. In December of 1999, I had only feelings of guilt, despair and hopelessness...but in August of 2010, I have only feelings of joy, love, hope and amazement...that I could be so blessed!
Thank you God...for letting me be there to see his first Christmas.

Thank you God...for letting me be there to see his first day of school.